There’s a method to creative madness: Melody David on words, wine and organised chaos.

We sat down with Melody David, Creative Copywriter in Amsterdam to understand her creative process, how she navigates writer’s block and her love of wine. 

“My ideal brief has a bit of everything in it. ”

Which brand's tone of voice do you admire?

I love Oatly! I just find them hilarious. In general, I think brands can be a lot more playful. It’s nice to see such a copy-led brand being so successful, as a creative writer you don’t see that as much as you’d think. 


How do you work through a creative block?


Stepping away from what I’m trying to create and doing something different that's not related to the work helps a lot. It can be something fun or mindful. I tend to go for a walk, or sketch or maybe even do a bit of yoga. I find coffee with a friend or just watching something inspiring can help too. 

As a creative do you care more about the brand or user experience?


I care about both! So many brands focus on just the brand experience and neglect the user experience. You need a 360 holistic approach or else you’ll miss out on opportunities to make your work resonate. Sexy campaigns can only do so much, things actually need to work for people in real life.


How would you describe your creative process?


Organised chaos. I look at what the brand is trying to achieve and then I look at what the target audience (aka real people) want to experience. I'll then put the brand and consumer to the side for a moment and go into an intense brainstorming session, usually with an art director.


We’ll bounce ideas off of one another and then look at campaigns that have inspired us in the past and match that up with what is happening now. I’ll look at how current trends, art and day-to-day realities can inform our ideas. I try not to consider any restraints until I have ideas that feel authentic. Then I’ll go back to the brief.


It's a bit chaotic at times but in general there is a method to my creative madness.

What is your ideal brief?


My ideal brief has a bit of everything in it. The best briefs for me are the ones that tell inspiring stories or move people in some way. I think storytelling is super important to me as a writer — especially stories that are maybe less well known or less heard.


Can you tell us about your hobbies?


I’m a poet. I write poetry mostly for myself to reflect my internal world and experiences but I’ve also been published a few times. I think it’s important, as a writer to not only work for a company or agency, but to have a creative output that is just for you. It’s important for your own craft to experiment creatively and explore different types of creativity.


I’m also a trained sommelier or wine expert. I host workshops and events to help people drink better wine and I have an IG account which shares wine and food pairing tips. I want to demystify wine and make it more accessible for people. Wine pairing is just like storytelling, the aim is to achieve maximum deliciousness, something pleasurable that leaves a lasting impression.

What are your plans for the future?

I’m working on my second poetry book. I'd like to get that published in the near future and long-term, I eventually want to own my own vineyard. You know, grow my own grapes and make my own wine. There are more women winemakers now but there’s still room for more diversity in the wine industry, especially for Black and Brown women. So I’m looking at ways to get into that.

When did you realise you were a creative person?

I think in my teens. I used to make up song lyrics because I wanted to be a singer-songwriter. Sometimes I would sing my songs to my family and friends and they’d be like — “Damn, that's actually cool!”. I think it was then I knew I had a talent for writing and telling stories.

Tell us about a genius idea you had as a child that definitely wasn’t?

One summer, I think I was in primary school, a friend and I put strawberry jam on the windowsills of the windows in my house in order to trap house flies. It worked, but as you can imagine, my mum was not impressed! 


Finally, tell us about a recent project you’re proud of?


I recently worked with a brand that is a firm ally to the Black community. The focus of the campaign was to celebrate the people who really make a positive impact in their local communities.


For me, it was really special to be working on this project because I got to meet so many different Black people working across a wide range of industries who all had the same goals; to provide people in their community with opportunities to grow.

I felt so inspired by everyone I met and I’m glad I was able to help share their stories. 


Thanks Melody!




Melody David

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